You will learn how to create flower arrangements, choose suppliers and work with clients so that they come back. You will be able to get a job in a flower shop or start your own business.
Learn the basics of floristry and the technique of creating bouquets. You will put together your first compositions, create an attractive portfolio and start making money from your favorite business.
You will systematize your knowledge, study different forms of bouquets. You will be able to correctly position yourself and promote your work on the Internet. You will learn how to find your first clients and increase your income.
Learn how to develop flower recipes. Learn how to communicate with different types of clients and make them come back and buy more. You will be able to find reliable suppliers and learn how to increase profits.
Learn to harmoniously combine colors and shades. Understand how to assemble a bouquet of different flowers taking into account the basic rules of coloristics.
Learn the spiral assembly technique. You will be able to work with different forms of bouquets and make stylish packaging.
Understand how to create impressive compositions on foam and work with different bases for flowers.
Learn the rules for accepting flower deliveries. Learn how to prolong the freshness of cut flowers and care for potted plants.
Learn what types of customers there are and how they differ. You will be able to find an individual approach to each.
Learn how to attract customers via the Internet, process orders, work with a flower accounting system and an online cash register.